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apns세팅방법 및 ionic2에 파이어베이스 설치하기 본문


apns세팅방법 및 ionic2에 파이어베이스 설치하기

Edu&Tech 2017. 9. 28. 17:02
apns세팅방법 및 ionic2에 파이어베이스 설치하기 

cordova plugin remove phonegap-plugin-push

  1. Run npm install
  2. Add platforms: ionic platform add android and ionic platform add ios
  3. Install plugin cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fcm --save
  4. Create project on
  5. Add 2 new apps - one for Android and one for iOS
  6. Copy google-service.json file to main project directory (the same directory of config.xml) for Android.
  7. Look google-service.json if api-key is not empty. If so, download it again.
  8. ionic run android to run app on Android
  9. ionic prepare ios and run project in XCode - copy file into main directory Tree and follow that steps
  10. Go to your project in and select Notifications from menu -> *New message -> select your app, add message and click send
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods
--gem install cocoapods:1.1.1

--sudo gem update

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