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xAPI Verbs (활용되는 동사정보입니다.) 본문


xAPI Verbs (활용되는 동사정보입니다.)

Edu&Tech 2018. 2. 12. 12:49

VerbTitleDescription"abandoned"@en"Indicates that the AU session was abnormally terminated by a learner's action (or due to a system failure)."@en"accepted"@en"Indicates that that the actor has accepted the object. For instance, a person accepting an award, or accepting an assignment."@en"accessed"@en"Indicates that the actor has gained access to the object. Associated to the virtual places a player visits during a gameplay."@en"accessed"@en"Indicates that the actor has accessed the object. For instance, a person accessing a room, or accessing a file."@en"acknowledged"@en"Indicates that the actor has acknowledged the object. This effectively signals that the actor is aware of the objects existence."@en"added"@en"Indicates that the actor has added the object to the target. For instance, adding a photo to an album."@en"adjourned"@en"Indicates the actor temporarily ended an event (e.g. a meeting). It is expected (but not required) that the event will be resumed at a future point in time. The actor of the statement should be somebody who has authority to adjourn the event, for example the event organizer."@en"agreed"@en"Indicates that the actor agrees with the object. For example, a person agreeing with an argument, or expressing agreement with a particular issue."@en"annotated"@en"Provide notes or symbols for further explanation or thoughts while reading."@en"annotated"@en"Indicates the actor added a supplement to the content, highlight or mark."@en"annotated"@en"Indicates a new annotation has been added to a document. This verb may be used with PDFs, images, assignment submissions or any other type of document which may be annotated."@en"answered"@en"Indicates the actor replied to a question, where the object is generally an activity representing the question. The text of the answer will often be included in the response inside result."@en"appended"@en"Indicates that the actor has appended the object to the target. For instance, a person appending a new record to a database."@en"applauded"@en"Indicates that the actor approves of the content or message. Analogous to praising."@en"approved"@en"Indicates that the actor has approved the object. For instance, a manager might approve a travel request."@en"archived"@en"Indicates that the actor has archived the object."@en"arranged"@en"Indicates that the actor arranged the object within a collection or set of elements. The extension should be used to indicate the new position."@en"arrived"@en"Indicates the actor arrived a specific location by movement or progress. To arrive a specific scene within a story or book experience."@en"asked"@en"Indicates an inquiry by an actor with the expectation of a response or answer to a question."@en"assigned"@en"Indicates that the actor has assigned the object to the target."@en"attached"@en"Indicates that the actor has attached the object to the target. For instance, a person attaching a file to a wiki page or an email."@en"attempted"@en"Indicates the actor made an effort to access the object. An attempt statement without additional activities could be considered incomplete in some cases."@en"attended"@en"Indicates the actor was present at a virtual or physical event or activity."@en"attended"@en"Indicates the actor was present at a virtual or physical event or activity. "@en"attended"@en"Indicates that the actor has attended the object. For instance, a person attending a meeting."@en"authored"@en"Indicates that the actor has authored the object. Note that this is a more specific form of the verb create."@en"authorized"@en"Indicates that the actor has authorized the object. If a target is specified, it means that the authorization is specifically in regards to the target. For instance, a service can authorize a person to access a given application; in which case the actor is the service, the object is the person, and the target is the application. In contrast, a person can authorize a request; in which case the actor is the person and the object is the request and there might be no explicit target."@en"bookmarked"@en"Persisting the current location (page) where the reader stopped the ebook activity."@en"bookmarked"@en"Indicates the user determined the content was important enough to keep a reference to it for later. A different verb should be used for tracking the location in a set of text that a reader has reached, as in a physical bookmark."@en"borrowed"@en"Indicates that the actor has borrowed the object. If a target is specified, it identifies the entity from which the object was borrowed. For instance, if a person borrows a book from a library, the person is the actor, the book is the object and the library is the target."@en"built"@en"Indicates that the actor has built the object. For example, if a person builds a model or compiles code."@en"called"@en"Indicates that the actor placed a phone call to the object."@en"canceled"@en"Indicates that the actor has canceled the object. For instance, canceling a calendar event."@en"checked in"@en"Indicates that the actor has checked in to the object. For instance, a person checking in to a place."@en"closed"@en"Indicates that the actor has closed the object. For instance, the object could represent a ticket being tracked in an issue management system."@en"closed sale"@en"Indicates that the actor has closed a sale."@en"coached"@en"To teach or lead another person through an activity. Coached is a direct response to the Requested verb. The receiver of a Requested statement will periodically respond by sending a Coached statement that clears out the coach's queue."@en"commented"@en"Indicates the actor provided digital or written annotations on or about an object."@en"completed"@en"Indicates the actor finished or concluded the activity normally."@en"completed"@en"Indicates that the actor has completed the object."@en"confirmed"@en"Indicates that the actor has confirmed or agrees with the object. For instance, a software developer might confirm an issue reported against a product."@en"consumed"@en"Indicates that the actor has consumed the object. The specific meaning is dependent largely on the objects type. For instance, an actor may consume an audio object, indicating that the actor has listened to it; or an actor may consume a book, indicating that the book has been read. As such, the consume verb is a more generic form of other more specific verbs such as read and play."@en"created"@en"Indicates that the actor has created the object."@en"created opportunity"@en"Indicates that the actor has created a new opportunity, such as one might do in a CRM tool."@en"defined"@en"Indicates that the actor has defined the object. Note that this is a more specific form of the verb ���create��. For instance, a learner defining a goal."@en"deleted"@en"Indicates that the actor has deleted the object. This implies, but does not require, the permanent destruction of the object."@en"delivered"@en"Indicates that the actor has delivered the object. For example, delivering a package."@en"demanded"@en"Indicates a request for eBook session or redirect. Shall be distinct from requested which refers to actor conversations (e.g., requested help fom instructor)."@en"denied"@en"Indicates that the actor has denied the object. For example, a manager may deny a travel request."@en"described"@en"Detailed answer as a result of an interaction in an ebook activity or assessment."@en"designed"@en"Indicates the actor carefully planned or created the object for a specific purpose."@en"disabled"@en"Indicates that the actor turned off a particular part or feature of the system."@en"disagreed"@en"Indicates that the actor disagrees with the object."@en"discarded"@en"Indicates that the actor discarded a previous selection. This verb works with the verb selected."@en"disliked"@en"Indicates that the actor does not approve of the object or activity."@en"disliked"@en"Indicates that the actor dislikes the object."@en"downloaded"@en"Indicates that the actor downloaded (rather than accessed or opened) a file or document."@en"earned"@en"Indicates that the actor has earned or has been awarded the object."@en"edited"@en"Indicates the actor added or modified the content in a document or object."@en"enabled"@en"Indicates that the actor turned on a particular part or feature of the system. It works with the verb disabled."@en"entered frame"@en"Indicates that the actor has entered the frame of a camera or viewing device."@en"estimated duration"@en"Indicates that the actor has estimated the duration of the object. For instance, a learner estimating the duration of a task."@en"evaluated"@en"Indicates the actor formed an opinion or prepared to assess another actor or object."@en"exited"@en"Indicates the actor intentionally departed from the activity or object."@en"exited frame"@en"Indicates that the actor has exited the frame of a camera or viewing device."@en"expected"@en"Indicates that the actor expected particular results from the object. The expected results should be recorded in the results field."@en"experienced"@en"Indicates the actor only encountered the object, and is applicable in situations where a specific achievement or completion is not required."@en"experienced"@en"Indicates that the actor has experienced the object in some manner. Note that, depending on the specific object types used for both the actor and object, the meaning of this verb can overlap that of the consume and play verbs. For instance, a person might experience a movie; or play the movie; or consume the movie. The experience verb can be considered a more generic form of other more specific verbs as consume, play, watch, listen, and read."@en"expired"@en"Indicates that the object (a competency or certification) has expired for the actor."@en"failed"@en"Indicates the actor did not successfully pass an activity to a level of predetermined satisfaction."@en"favorited"@en"Indicates that the actor marked the object as an item of special interest."@en"flagged as inappropriate"@en"Indicates that the actor has flagged the object as being inappropriate for some reason. When using this verb, the context property, as specified within Section 4.1 can be used to provide additional detail about why the object has been flagged."@en"focused"@en"Indicates that a user has focused on a target object. This is the opposite of 'unfocused'. For example, it indicates that the user has clicked to focus or regain focus on the application, content or activity."@en"followed"@en"Indicates that the actor began following the activity of the object. In most cases, the objectType will be a person, but it can potentially be of any type that can sensibly generate activity. Processors MAY ignore (silently drop) successive identical follow activities."@en"found"@en"Indicates that the actor has found the object."@en"gave"@en"Indicates that the actor is giving an object to the target. Examples include one person giving a badge object to another person. The object identifies the object being given. The target identifies the receiver."@en"highlighted"@en"Highlight important areas in an eBook for the purpose of later review or note taking."@en"hired"@en"An offer of employment that has been made by an agent and accepted by another."@en"hosted"@en"Indicates that the actor is hosting the object. As in hosting an event, or hosting a service."@en"ignored"@en"Indicates the actor did not acknowledge an object or activity. User has ignored a flag or other simulation data. This is a flag or action sent by either an instructor or the simulation software to indicate that an action was expected by this point in time and had not occurred. Sometimes this is a good thing, and while absent, is not necessarily a negative aspect - for example, if there is a distractor in place that the actor is supposed to ignore as irrelevant."@en"ignored"@en"Indicates that the actor has ignored the object. For instance, this verb may be used when an actor has ignored a friend request, in which case the object may be the request-friend activity."@en"imported"@en"Indicates the actor introduced an object into a physical or virtual location."@en"initialized"@en"Indicates the activity provider has determined that the actor successfully started an activity."@en"initiated"@en"Used to initiate text code, user preferences or accessibility preferences to a teacher."@en"inserted"@en"Indicates that the actor has inserted the object into the target."@en"installed"@en"Indicates that the actor has installed the object, as in installing an application."@en"interacted"@en"Indicates the actor engaged with a physical or virtual object."@en"interacted"@en"Indicates that the actor has interacted with the object. For instance, when one person interacts with another."@en"interacted"@en"Indicates the actor engaged with a SCORM cmi interaction type such as true-false, choice, fill-in, long-fill-in, matching, likert, numeric or other."@en"interviewed"@en"For use when one agent or group interviews another agent or group. It could be used for the purposes of hiring, creating news articles, shows, research, etc."@en"invited"@en"Indicates that the actor has invited the object, typically a person object, to join or participate in the object described by the target. The target could, for instance, be an event, group or a service."@en"joined"@en"Indicates that the actor has become a member of the object. This specification only defines the meaning of this verb when the object of the Activity has an objectType of group, though implementors need to be prepared to handle other types of objects."@en"laughed"@en"Indicates that the actor found the content funny and enjoyable. May be used with an "Ending Point" extension (see value capturing the point in time within the Activity."@en"launched"@en"Indicates the actor attempted to start an activity."@en"left"@en"Indicates that the actor has left the object. For instance, a Person leaving a Group or checking-out of a Place."@en"liked"@en"Indicates that the actor approves of, recommends, or endorses the object or activity."@en"liked"@en"Indicates that the actor marked the object as an item of special interest. The like verb is considered to be an alias of favorite. The two verb are semantically identical."@en"listened"@en"Indicates that the actor has listened to the object. This is typically only applicable for objects representing audio content, such as music, an audio-book, or a radio broadcast. The listen verb is a more specific form of the consume, experience and play verbs."@en"logged-in"@en"Indicates the actor gained access to a system or service by identifying and authenticating with the credentials provided by the actor."@en"logged-out"@en"Indicates the actor either lost or discontinued access to a system or service."@en"lost"@en"Indicates that the actor has lost the object. For instance, if a person loses a game."@en"madefriend"@en"Indicates the creation of a friendship that is reciprocated by the object. Since this verb implies an activity on the part of its object, processors MUST NOT accept activities with this verb unless they are able to verify through some external means that there is in fact a reciprocated connection. For example, a processor may have received a guarantee from a particular publisher that the publisher will only use this Verb in cases where a reciprocal relationship exists."@en"marked as unread"@en"The object was marked as unread."@en"mastered"@en"Indicates the highest level of comprehension or competence the actor performed in an activity."@en"mentioned"@en"Indicates that the actor mentioned the object, for example in a tweet."@en"mentored"@en"Indicates that that the actor has mentored the object. For instance, a manager mentoring an employee, or a teacher mentoring a student."@en"modified annotation"@en"This verb is used on annotations created with the annotated verb. It indicates that an existing annotation has been modified, for example editing the text of a note annotation or adjusting the position of a underline or highlight."@en"noted"@en"Add annotation or notes to selected text within an ebook or highlight."@en"opened"@en"Indicates that the actor has opened the object. For instance, the object could represent a ticket being tracked in an issue management system."@en"passed"@en"Indicates the actor successfully passed an activity to a level of predetermined satisfaction."@en"paused"@en"Indicates the actor paused the video being played at a specific point."@en"paused"@en"To indicate an actor has ceased or suspended an activity temporarily."@en"performed offline"@en"Indicates that the actor has performed the object offline for a period of time (episode). For instance, a learner performed task X, which is an offline task like reading a book, for 30 minutes. This is used to record the time spent on offline activities."@en"personalized"@en"Indicates that the actor personalized the object. The idea is that the actor personalizes an object created by a third party to adapt it for his/her personal use. This can be used for personalizing a strategy, method, a cooking recipe, etc."@en"played"@en"Indicates that the actor started experiencing the recorded media object."@en"played"@en"Indicates that the actor spent some time enjoying the object. For example, if the object is a video this indicates that the subject watched all or part of the video. The play verb is a more specific form of the consume verb."@en"posted"@en"Used to describe the action of posting a discussion topic or message on a forum."@en"preferred"@en"Indicates the selected choices, favored options or settings of an actor in relation to an object or activity."@en"presented"@en"Indicates that the actor has presented the object. For instance, when a person gives a presentation at a conference."@en"pressed"@en"Indicates that the actor made physical contact with the object. Used when the player presses some button in an input device. Press the left button in a mouse, press the X button in a XBox controller, etc. "@en"previewed"@en"Used to indicate that an actor has taken a first glance at a piece of content that they plan to return to for a more in depth experience later. For instance someone may come across a webpage that they don't have enough time to read at that time, but plan to come back to and read fully."@en"progressed"@en"Indicates a value of how much of an actor has advanced or moved through an activity."@en"promoted"@en"The act of promoting a content item such that it appears more highly in search results or is promoted to users in some other way."@en"purchased"@en"Indicates that the actor has purchased the object. If a target is specified, in indicates the entity from which the object was purchased."@en"qualified"@en"Indicates that the actor has qualified for the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the context within which the qualification applies."@en"rated"@en"Action of giving a rating to an object. Should only be used when the action is the rating itself, as opposed to another action such as "reading" where a rating can be applied to the object as part of that action. In general the rating should be included in the Result with a Score object."@en"read"@en"Indicates that the actor has read the object."@en"read"@en"Indicates that the actor read the object. This is typically only applicable for objects representing printed or written content, such as a book, a message or a comment."@en"received"@en"Indicates that the actor is receiving an object. Examples include a person receiving a badge object. The object identifies the object being received."@en"referenced"@en"Use dictionary or other resource to look up a selected word. A learner might reference outside information in support of the topic and could reference additional reading for his/her colleagues or mentor."@en"registered"@en"Indicates the actor is officially enrolled or inducted in an activity."@en"rejected"@en"Indicates that the actor has rejected the object."@en"released"@en"Indicates that the actor released the object from one's grip from or a specific state. Used when the player releases a previously pressed button."@en"removed"@en"Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the target."@en"removed friend"@en"Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the collection of friends."@en"replaced"@en"Indicates that the actor has replaced the target with the object."@en"replied"@en"The actor posted a reply to a forum, comment thread or discussion."@en"replied to tweet"@en"This is an extension of the tweeted verb for the specific case of a tweet replying to another. This can be used to track group discussions experience. As with Retweeted we expect to find the original tweet id in the context as well as the person's handle to which the reply is addressed using the tweet extension URI"@en"reported"@en"Indicates the actor announced the result of an experience or activity."@en"requested"@en"Indicates that the actor has requested the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity from which the object is being requested."@en"requested"@en"Indicates the actor needed or demanded an object or another actor. Requested indicates a comment that is shared with peers as a group or Coach as a trainer. The request for coaching or help prompts users to respond giving them coaching credit."@en"requested attention"@en"Indicates that the actor is requesting the attention of an instructor, presenter or moderator."@en"requested friend"@en"Indicates the creation of a friendship that has not yet been reciprocated by the object."@en"resolved"@en"Indicates that the actor has resolved the object. For instance, the object could represent a ticket being tracked in an issue management system."@en"responded"@en"Indicates an actor reacted or replied to an object."@en"resumed"@en"Indicates the application has determined that the actor continued or reopened a suspended attempt on an activity."@en"retracted"@en"Indicates that the actor has retracted the object. For instance, if an actor wishes to retract a previously published activity, the object would be the previously published activity that is being retracted."@en"returned"@en"Indicates that the actor has returned the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity to which the object was returned."@en"retweeted"@en"Used when an agent repeats a tweet written by another user. Usage in a statement is similar to tweeted but we expect to find the URI to the original tweet in the context of the statement, as well as the username of the original author as a context extension. The extension URI used for this should be"@en"revealed"@en"Indicates the actor exposed an object or content that's previously hidden."@en"reviewed"@en"Indicates that the actor has reviewed the object. For instance, a person reviewing an employee or a person reviewing an owner's manual."@en"rsvp maybe"@en"The possible RSVP verb indicates that the actor has made a possible RSVP for the object. This specification only defines the meaning of this verb when its object is an event (see Section 3.3), though implementors need to be prepared to handle other object types. The use of this verb is only appropriate when the RSVP was created by an explicit action by the actor. It is not appropriate to use this verb when a user has been added as an attendee by an event organizer or administrator. This verb is included for data conversion with Activity Streams, its not recommended for use in new Tin Can statements."@en"rsvp no"@en"The negative RSVP verb indicates that the actor has made a negative RSVP for the object. This specification only defines the meaning of this verb when its object is an event (see Section 3.3), though implementors need to be prepared to handle other object types. The use of this verb is only appropriate when the RSVP was created by an explicit action by the actor. It is not appropriate to use this verb when a user has been added as an attendee by an event organizer or administrator. This verb is included for data conversion with Activity Streams, its not recommended for use in new Tin Can statements."@en"rsvp yes"@en"The positive RSVP verb indicates that the actor has made a positive RSVP for an object. This specification only defines the meaning of this verb when its object is an event (see Section 3.3), though implementors need to be prepared to handle other object types. The use of this verb is only appropriate when the RSVP was created by an explicit action by the actor. It is not appropriate to use this verb when a user has been added as an attendee by an event organizer or administrator. This verb is included for data conversion with Activity Streams, its not recommended for use in new Tin Can statements."@en"satisfied"@en"Indicates that the authority or activity provider determined the actor has fulfilled the criteria of the object or activity."@en"satisfied"@en"Indicates that the actor has satisfied the object. If a target is specified, it indicate the context within which the object was satisfied. For instance, if a person satisfies the requirements for a particular challenge: the person is the actor, the requirement is the object, and the challenge is the target."@en"saved"@en"Indicates that the actor has called out the object as being of interest primarily to him or herself. Though this action MAY be shared publicly, the implication is that the object has been saved primarily for the actors own benefit rather than to show it to others as would be indicated by the share verb."@en"scheduled"@en"Indicates that the actor has scheduled the object. For instance, scheduling a meeting."@en"scored"@en"Indicates a numerical value related to an actor's performance on an activity."@en"searched"@en"Indicates that the actor is or has searched for the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the context within which the search is or has been conducted."@en"searched"@en"Indicates the actor looked for information in an object."@en"secured"@en"Indicates that the actor secured the object. The object used with this verb might be a device, piece of software, location, etc."@en"seeked"@en"Indicates the actor changed the progress towards a specific point."@en"selected"@en"Choose section of text to copy to clipboard."@en"selected"@en"Indicates that the actor selects an object from a collection or set to use it in an activity. The collection would be the context parent element."@en"sent"@en"Indicates that the actor has sent the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity to which the object was sent."@en"shared"@en"Indicates the actor's intent to openly provide access to an object of common interest to other actors or groups."@en"shared"@en"Indicates that the actor has called out the object to readers. In most cases, the actor did not create the object being shared, but is instead drawing attention to it."@en"skipped"@en"To indicate an actor has passed over or omitted an interval, screen, segment, item, or step."@en"sold"@en"Indicates that the actor has sold the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity to which the object was sold."@en"sponsored"@en"Indicates that the actor has sponsored the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the context within which the sponsorship is offered. For instance, a company can sponsor an event or an individual can sponsor a project, etc."@en"started"@en"Indicates that the actor has started the object. For instance, when a person starts a project."@en"stopped following"@en"Indicates that the actor has stopped following the object."@en"submitted"@en"Indicates that the actor has submitted the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity to which the object was submitted."@en"suspended"@en"Indicates the status of a temporarily halted activity when an actor's intent is returning to the or object activity at a later time."@en"tagged"@en"Indicates that the actor has associated the object with the target. For example, if the actor specifies that a particular user appears in a photo. the object is the user and the target is the photo."@en"talkedwith"@en"Indicates that the actor talked to another agent or group. The object of statements using this verb should be an agent or group, for example a teacher, an NPC in a simulation, a group of colleagues. This verb is intended to be used where one actor initiates and leads a conversation, rather than an equal discussion between two parties."@en"terminated"@en"Indicates that the actor successfully ended an activity."@en"terminated"@en"Indicates that the actor successfully ended an activity."@en"tied"@en"Indicates that the actor has neither won or lost the object. This verb is generally only applicable when the object represents some form of competition, such as a game."@en"tweeted"@en"Use this verb when an agent tweets on Twitter. It is open for use also for other short messages (microblogging services) based on the URI as the activityId. We expect activityId to be a URI to the tweet."@en"unfavorited"@en"Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the collection of favorited items."@en"unfocused"@en"Indicates that the user has lost focus of the target object. For example, this could be used when the user clicks outside a given application, window or activity."@en"unliked"@en"Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the collection of liked items."@en"unlocked"@en"Indicates the actor unlocked an option that was previously unavailable. Used when the player unlocks an option in an alternative."@en"unregistered"@en"Indicates the actor unregistered for a learning activity. This verb is used in combination with for the registering and unregistering of learners."@en"unsatisfied"@en"Indicates that the actor has not satisfied the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the context within which the object was not satisfied. For instance, if a person fails to satisfy the requirements of some particular challenge, the person is the actor; the requirement is the object and the challenge is the target."@en"unsaved"@en"Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the collection of saved items."@en"unshared"@en"Indicates that the actor is no longer sharing the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity with whom the object is no longer being shared."@en"updated"@en"Indicates the actor prompted a change in a data value or information associated with the object.The Virtual Patient player engine has changed a counter value. This may be triggered by arrival at a particular node, or by a rule within the case design created by the virtual patient author, or by a timer expiration point. Although the counter value may be regarded as a score, note that the ADL verb ‘scored’ is overall score for the case or exam (, which is not the same thing."@en"updated"@en"Indicates that the actor has updated the object. Note, however, that this vocabulary does not define a mechanism for describing the actual set of modifications made to object."@en"used"@en"Indicates the actor used a virtual object. Used when player uses items they find during the gameplay, to obtain different benefits."@en"used"@en"Indicates that the actor has used the object in some manner."@en"viewed"@en"Indicates that the actor has viewed the object."@en"voided"@en"A special reserved verb used by a LRS or application to mark a statement as invalid. See the xAPI specification for details on Voided statements."@en"voted down"@en"Indicates that the actor has voted down for a specific object. This is analogous to giving a thumbs down."@en"voted up"@en"Indicates that the actor has voted up for a specific object. This is analogous to giving a thumbs up."@en"waived"@en"Indicates that the learning activity requirements were met by means other than completing the activity. A waived statement is used to indicate that the activity may be skipped by the actor."@en"was at"@en"Indicates that the actor was located at the object. For instance, a person being at a specific physical location."@en"was-assigned"@en"Indicates the actor was given or required to access an object."@en"watched"@en"Indicates that the actor has watched the object. This verb is typically applicable only when the object represents dynamic, visible content such as a movie, a television show or a public performance. This verb is a more specific form of the verbs experience, play and consume."@en"watched"@en"Indicates that the actor has watched the object. This verb is typically applicable only when the object represents dynamic, visible content such as a movie, a television show or a public performance."@en"watched"@en"Indicates the actor observed a visual obect."@en"won"@en"Indicates that the actor has won the object. This verb is typically applicable only when the object represents some form of competition, such as a game."@en

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